CFS Facility Genius and FDS (Facility Data Standard)

Many of you know about my role as president at Cummins Facility Services. I am so proud to continue serving as the leader of this organization for another year ahead! It’s no secret that I’m incredibly passionate about this industry, and my passions have led me to pursue technologies and innovations that expand beyond the work we do at CFS and will take the industry to new levels. With the start of this new year, I thought this was the perfect time to share with you some of the ventures that have me thrilled to roll up my sleeves in 2021!

Facility Genius

Facility Genius, a company I founded in 2018, is a certified solutions expert staffed by industry, engineering, and technical personnel to proactively and responsibly improve a company’s efficiencies, environment and facility management

This endeavor was created based on the fascinating technologies tied to ‘smart’ buildings. For example, your iPhone tells you when it needs an update, the battery power used on various applications, available storage capacity, and more than you may have ever dreamed of knowing about your technology use. Facility Genius takes similar smart technologies to create never-before-seen advancements in facility

Buildings with smart technologies benefit from an efficiency, cost saving, and supply saving standpoint because they provide down-to-the-minute updates on the safety, cleanliness ad effectiveness of the building. Round-theclock monitors signal when the building is too hot, too cold, or ‘sick’ (meaning there is an outstanding concern) and provide energy management indicators. The building’s team benefits from knowing the moment an area of the facility needs serviced or operational supplies need replenished. There are also amazing features like air purifying technology that is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, due to the use of nanotechnology-based functional fluids,
or nanofluids.

I’m sure it’s evident that I am incredibly excited about this work in addition to my work at CFS. Our industry is
reaching all-new heights and I can’t wait to see how the technologies and innovations at Facility Genius help us
reach for the stars in facility services!


The Facility Data Standard Consortium (FDSC) is a 501(c)(6) dedicated to advancing global open standards for secure data transfer and integration in the facility ecosystem. As chairwoman, I am passionate about FDS’s incredible contributions to equity and accessibility in our industry.

Back to the concepts of big data and smart buildings, it can feel like the technologies in facility services are advancing at the speed of light! This initiative focuses on addressing the complex issues being presented to the technology’s end-users. In addition, the expenses behind these technologies and the skills and expertise required to implement them are presenting new challenges to our industry. FDS is working behind the scenes to advance global open standards for secure data transfer and integration in the facility ecosystem so these technologies are widely, quickly, and economically available.

The future of facility services

While innovation and continuous improvement has always been part of our foundation at CFS, I am proud that I can use that passion for the industry to develop new areas of potential for our field alongside some incredible experts! I am thrilled to see the work we do today positively impact our industry and our world tomorrow. It is my honor to play a role in the future of facility services.

Jill Frey, President & CEO
Cummins Facility Services, LLC