What is ESG?

Environmental, social, and governance (or ESG) goals have been a hot topic for a while now. The urgency of addressing climate change and social progress is becoming more prevalent, so companies are starting to make more effort in this area. ESG has taken on a new tone, and companies also feel the pressure to be…

Cummins Facility Services: Executive Team - Thanksgiving

A Green Sticker Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Traditions As I reflect on this year and prepare for Thanksgiving, I am so excited to take part in my favorite holiday traditions! My family always enjoys pizza the night before Thanksgiving. We wake up the next morning at 5am to put the turkey in the oven, and juggle to get all of the…

Celebrating our CFS Employees

One of my favorite traditions at Cummins Facility Services is our annual all-employee safety meeting. This meeting has grown and changed along with us over the years, but continues to be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all of our CFS employees while also emphasizing the importance of the work we do and how to do…

Jill Frey: Catch the Wave 2017 speech

You are a Champion

What does it mean to be champion? The Oxford dictionary defines the word “champion” as “a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition.” At Cummins, we are proud to encourage our employees to be champions within the workplace and in their personal lives. Each year, I look forward to invigorating my…