We are so excited to share the below press release from our partners at FDS!
Berlin, February 2021: FDS (Facility Data Standard) and the BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU) announce that they started a joint working group.
The main objective is the evaluation of opportunities to exchange data between building automation and facility services to establish a common data-interface.
In the first two meetings, the global importance of this goal was identified and existing specifications like ASHRAE 223p (designation and classification of semantic tags for building data) have been discussed and reviewed.
“Connecting building automation and facility services offers new potential savings – economically as well as ecologically”, characterizes Johannes Bepler from the Hailo Digital Hub the benefits of this data-exchange. He adds: “If e. g. the meeting information can be taken from a calendar, the expected waste volume can be forecast based upon the number of people attending and from empirical values. This allows for a cleaning on demand to empty the waste bins only if necessary or to provide other cleaning services when required”.
Frank Schubert, treasurer in the executive board of the BACnet Interest Group Europe, adds: “With this working group we want to start a global collaboration between Building Automation and Facility Services. Combining these two markets and players offers a lot of opportunities for smart, reliable and sustainable buildings”.
Currently, the working group meets approx. every two months in a video-conference.
Interested persons are more than welcome to join!
Contact: Johannes Bepler, Hailo Digital Hub, johannes.bepler@h16b.com
About FDS
The Facility Data Standard consortium (FDS) is a technical non-profit organization that develops programmatic specifications focusing on the ‘last mile’ communication of high value information from industries in the facility ecosystem. In the era of Internet-of-Things, connected devices, Big Data, Smart Building and Machine Learning, the facility industry is rapidly evolving. While each industry provides the expertise in one segment of a facility operation, the well-being of the building and its occupants often depends on the aggregation of actionable information from these industries. FDS members representing the entire value chain work together to solve end user use cases by identifying the minimum set of information that the parties need from each other and define specifications to exchange this information that software developers can easily implement using well-known communication protocols. With an independent standard, the stakeholders of any size harvest the benefits of what technology can bring throughout the entire value chain while removing the complexity and cost related to communication, data exchange, and integration.
Through its members, FDS is dedicated to advancing global open standards for secure data transfer and integration in the facility ecosystem, developed by the industry subject matter experts, so that the benefits of electronic information technology are widely, quickly, and economically available to the industry.
For more information, visit FDS’s web site: www.facilitydatastandard.org
About BIG-EU
The BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU) promotes the use of the global BACnet communication standard ISO 16484-5 in building automation and security technology in Europe. It was founded in 1998 by 18 building automation companies and today has over 130 members from various European countries and the USA. The goals of the BIG-EU are, on the one hand, the representation of European interests in the further development of the BACnet standard, the exchange of information with the ASHRAE committee responsible for BACnet SSPC 135 as well as the cooperation with other organizations of building automation and facility management. The activities include joint marketing, training and qualification offers as well as the development of technical guidelines.
More information at www.big-eu.org.